Executive Board


Moderator:   Reverend Dr. Elijah Campbell, Sr

Mangohick Baptist Church, Hanover, VA 23069  

147 Mangohick Church Road
P.O Box 468, Hanover, VA 23069
(804) 994-5390 (O)
(571) 271-2620 (H) 
Email: ecampbell98@hotmail.com

Joint Executive Board Chairman:
   Reverend Otis L. Kay, Sr.

First Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Caroline, VA

6548 Roxbury Mills Road, Spotsylvania, VA 22553
(540) 582-9498
Email: okay1945@yahoo.com

1st Vice Moderator:   Reverend William H. Fortune  (Section C)

St. James Baptist Church, Milford, VA 

104 Windjammer Court, Stafford, VA 22554
(540) 623-7515
Email: revwhfortune@gmail.com

AREAS: Fredericksburg/Stafford:

Mt. Hope, Mt. Olive, Mt. Zion, Shiloh-Old Site, Shiloh-New Site

Bethlehem, Beulah, Branch Fork, First New Hope, Little Mine Road, Mt. Hope, Mt. Olive, Piney Branch, Second New Hope, Sylvannah, Zion Hill

2nd Vice Moderator:   Rev. Dr. Tony J. Craddock, Sr. (Section A)

St. John Baptist Church, Woodford, VA 

3652 Serendipity Road, Woodbridge, VA 22193
(703) 398-6166
Email: pastor.sjbc9@gmail.com

AREAS: Caroline:

Bethel, Ebenezer, First Baptist, First Mt. Calvary, First Mt. Zion, Jericho, Jerusalem, Long Branch, Macedonia, Mt. Oni, Mt. Salem, Mt. Tabor, Second Mt. Zion, St. Luke, St. James, St. John, St. Stephens, Third Mt. Zion, Second Mt. Calvary, Shiloh-Bowling Green, Shiloh, Port Royal, New Liberty, Oxford Mt. Zion, Reedy, Second Baptist, Zion Grove;

Essex: Ebenezer-Supply, Mt. Olive-Hustle King William,  Mangohick and King George

3rd Vice Moderator:  Rev. Dr. Donald M. King  (Section B)

St. John Baptist Church, Woodford, VA 

4641 Chalklevel Road, Louisa, VA 23093
(804) 985-4588
Email: dmkingsr@aol.com

AREAS: Hanover County, Louisa, Henrico and City of Richmand

Bethany, Ebenezer, Greenwood, Jerusalem, Mt. Carmel, Providence, Shiloh-Ashland, St. James-Beaverdam, Union-Ashland, Union-Beaverdam


Bright Hope, Ebenezer-Mineral, First Baptist, Laurel Hill, Mt. Garland, Mt. Gilliam-New Site, Mt. Gilliam-Old Site, Mt. Hope, Mt. Olivet, Mt. Zion-Bumpass, Rising Sun

Recording Secretary 

Reverend Gilbert Garcia

304 Devon Drive, Ruther Glen, VA 22546
(540) 429-4290
Email: preachaword@aol.com

Correspondence Secretary

Minister Joshua Griffin

191 Perimeter Road, Milford, VA 22514
(540) 775-5832
Email: jgriffin@minister.com


Reverend Dr. Willie T. Carter 

1753 King William Road
Hanover, VA 23069
(804) 994-2471 or (804) 994-9353
Email: carter0162@aol.com

Music Directress 

Ms. Annette Young 

2519 Deerfield Road
Ruther Glen, VA 22546
(804) 263-6063 or (804) 448-0484
Email: annette9552@netzero.com


Mattaponi Youth Missionary Convention, President  (MYMC)

Miss. Sharae Birden –  Jerusalem Baptist Church (Hanover) Email: Sharaelynnb@icloud.com

Youth Sponsor

Ms. Cathy Parker –  Macedonia Baptist Church (Caroline) Email: cpwoodford@aol.com

Church School & Baptist Training Union, President (CS&BTU)

Minister Francine Keys – Jericho Baptist Church (Caroline)  Email: keysins@yahoo.com

Mattaponi Women’s Missionary & Education Convention, President (MWMEC) Email: caryinc@yahoo.com

Deaconess Maxine Cary – Jerusalem Baptist Church (Hanover)

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